Impresa Rossi Luigi deals with the design and planning of aerial photography, and processing of images produced by this activity, to respond optimally to the needs of the customer, offering the latest technologies that the market offers.
The aerophotogrammetric laboratory, active since 1975, deals with verification of flight data processing analog and digital aerial imagery and related processing, besides being the seat of a rich photographic archive.
The Company is able to design, execute and deliver to calculate the entire production inherent 's activities are divided by topographic relief on direct marketing, and networks of leveling up to the survey framework .
Impresa Rossi Luigi ever since he worked as terrestrial photogrammetry targeted to the conservation status of the points and expressing its professionalism and competence.
The techniques and software that allow for many years to develop the orthophotos, digital products complement but not substitute reading maps that allow a less technical but more intuitive impact on the reality of places.
It 's a rich product information and contents, aimed at a more realistic representation of territorial reality , supplying custom three-dimensional modelling through which to know and plan for the territory.
The cadastral mapping is a structural process by which the cadastral maps, through photogrammetric aerial survey techniques are being built or updated.
The topographic DB is currently the most modern solution for ensuring the government an instrument for the management of spatial data up to date and updateable.